Hello, Adam--Pardon me, I'd like to defend men from what you wrote here. The men I've known--and have been proud to serve with or be friends with, the men who have saved my life, and whose lives I have saved--can easily handle the 'complexity' of avoiding sending this one text. Many men--and women-- every day in their jobs have learned what is/isn't good to say or write if they want to keep their jobs. Verbal judo is real! Many of us have learned that if we want to get a job or keep a job, we can't just say/write whatever we want. We can't tell our bosses that they're idiots:) Instead, we study. We learn nuances of wording that may prevent us from getting what we want like promotions and such. I can't help but think that some men may appreciate being given a helpful tip like the one in this article so they can quickly and easily learn about a text they might be sending that--accidentally and unknowingly--might have been preventing them from getting their goals in dating. Some, as you suggest, may not want to deal with the nuances of word choice in dating and marriage. Fair enough. (Hm--I wonder how they'll fare in making their relationships or marriages work if they're not willing to learn how to communicate in the way that is most apt to help their girlfriends/wives understand their needs and/or agree to what they suggest)? All to say...understanding the value and ramifications of word choice can be complex yet necessary, but articles like this may make it less complex. Take care, Adam. -- Lee