Hello, Jan...Hearing about your fiance just made me want to...hug everyone near and dear to me, knowing, as you reminded us, we can lose those we love so quickly. I hate knowing that you've lost David, yet I'm happy you had such a wonderful relationship. I particularly appreciated that, tho you personally know few happily-married couples, and tho you personally have no compulsion to marry, you're not saying "No one should get married". I appreciate that you wrote "sometimes" marriage leads to complacency, and "sometimes" married people take each other for granted, acknowledging that it doesn't always. We also know that "sometimes" unmarried people are complacent and "sometimes" people in long-term relationships take each other for granted, so these negative attributes are not necessarily due to marriage itself. Likewise some married couples can have so much fun and utmost trust and respect for each other so fun, trust, and respect aren't necessarily a function of not being married. Thank you for sharing your perspectives and experiences to give us various aspects of this topic to consider.