Hello, Kyra! I haven't read about the 'opposites'--interesting! It does seem to fall under the same principles, only as 'self-love' perhaps--like you need to speak words of affirmation to yourself when feeling low, but just like when couples are experiencing bumps in their relationships, we're less likely to be loving towards ourselves when we're feeling low, or maybe even mad at ourselves?
Gary did dip a bit into how love languages are possible developed due to (in reaction to?) childhood experiences and urged parents to consider learning and speaking their kids' love languages. He gave an example of parents who loved their daughter but never spoke their daughter's language and how she felt unloved and then engaged in unhealthy behaviors. I felt for the parents because they seemed very earnest in wanting to be good for their daughter so it must've been disconcerting to learn their daughter didn't think they cared about her...
What I find in all this is that there are so many factors influencing how we all develop that we can identify some patterns and work on those but can rarely clearly say "If this, then that" without immediately having to point out numerous exceptions...if only humans were as straightforward as traffic lights, "If green, go; if red, stop".