Hello, Kyra--So many good phrases in this paragraph--craving grand gestures, test someone's love and commitment, test of the strength of their love. I'm wondering what you think about this: I wrote that piece about why some divorced people would still like to get re-married, but then a few readers chewed me out a bit, apparently thinking that the desire to get married is, well, in their opinion a mark of an idiot:):) So of course I wanted to run over here and ask you what you thought. Then I got to reading about this here and put the two thoughts together, and now I'm wondering: Do you think that those of us who like the idea of getting re-married are, in a sense, treating a person's willingness to marry us as 'grand gestures'? Are we "testing the strength" of our partner's love? When is it ok to...ask for this proof of love, to ask them to pass this 'test of commitment'?