Hello, Reverie — There are so many numbers bandied about. It’s hard to know what to make of them. Some numbers I’ve seen: Over 40% of first marriages, 60% of second marriages, and 70% of third marriages end in divorce. So it does seem like that “50% divorce rate” is perhaps skewed a bit by multiple marriages. I’ve also seen that only about 50% of divorced people get re-married, so sort of like 60% and 70% of are of such a small # to begin with so the ages of those on the later marriages wouldn’t move the average ages much, if that makes sense. Seems like 60% -70% of divorced men say they’re interested in getting re-married whereas only about 50% of divorced women say they’re interested. I’ve seen different numbers — 6% and 9% — for how many get married 3 or more times so…those people on their fifth marriages seem to be anomalies!