Hello, Scott — I have my misgivings about publishing this piece. Since I don’t have kids and had a completely drama-free divorce, I thought I was in a position to see both sides, but man it’s a messy, messy topic. I so sympathize with…everyone.
I am all about the pre-nup and would never get married without a super, annoyingly detailed one. Something I just learned about pre-nups is that arrangements and finances regarding kids aren’t allowed to be made in pre-nups. So now I can see it being extra-hard to try and sort out child support expenses AFTER parents have decided to divorce when emotions are high.
And I so agree with you — I think it’s so uncool when dads get to only see their kids, say, once every 2 weeks. That never made sense to me. Didn’t seem good for the dad OR the kids. I feel fairly sure that my own dad stopped coming around because my mom behaved so dreadfully towards him that he finally gave up. I really can’t blame him.
Any idea why dads tended to be granted so little time with the kids post-divorce?
I wish there was some sort of…unconventional solution, like…parents only get to see their kids if they are behave respectfully towards the other parent, and there’s some sort of electronic monitor that beeps when a parent is being disrespectful about the other parent. But that of course is imaginary. I just hate that so much stress and awfulness comes out of divorce.