Hello, Utkarsh--
I'm definitely verbose--no doubt!
I think there is a small nuance to consider here. I didn't intend for the message to be 'the man isn't doing enough'. That implies that doing 'more' is what the men in these situations need to do. Doing 'more' isn't what is recommended in this piece. Indeed, if he kept doing 'more' of what he thinks he should do, he might continue struggling in the same way.
So the nuance here is in the 'Fix' section of this piece. If I tried to write this in a more succinct fashion, this might be a better representation of what is being said in this piece: "The man may benefit from learning what, specifically, his partner wants and needs, and make effort to meet some of those specific wants and needs."
Ok, fair enough, that's still verbose, but I wouldn't want to lose the nuance or accuracy in the attempt to reduce this piece to a 5-word summary.