"In just a flicker of a moment..." That is true! And something an eye has to be kept on for sure. And I do think sometimes when a man feels 'heard', he can start having feelings for the woman who he feels listens, so you've helped remind me that I need to be extra careful about that.
And the point you make, that I need to pay careful attention to, is what it "Looks Like". Though I know I don't have anything sleazy going on with my male friends, other people assume something is going on and that's just messy for everyone.
Even now, as you've helped me think through this some more, I'm thinking of a male friend who I've met in the past year. Because I moved to a new city, I'm quite eager to make new friends, so I met him along with others though a group. I was happy to have him as a friend, one I have zero interest in. But lately I've been catching a 'whiff' that he may be interested in me, so...I need to nix it. Writing with you is a reminder to stick to a very high, strict standard or else things can get messy. Thank you for that reminder, MJ!