So true--some people will stop talking to someone who won't put out after 3 dates! I'm kind of glad they make that so clear. That helps me learn early on that there is a mis-match on that front. Fortunately, I've found that other men agree with me, that 3 dates is too soon, and they too want to spend more time together before making that decision. So...I guess it's a matter of having those sometimes-awkward conversations, accepting that some people aren't going to match up on that, and looking for someone who shares that same belief on that the topic of when...It sucks to have to deal with that pressure, but we get better about it over time. I feel concern especially our younger women who may not know to resist it if they don't feel ready. As I've gotten older, I just accept that the person who wants that so early is different from me. We're simply not suited and that's that. Let them go find someone who also wants to check sexual compatibility that early and is willing to take those risks that early. I won't bother 'pressuring' them to wait:)