You think "it's far better to take the leisure time and spend it with family." That's your nature.
You think it's not so good for a mom to leave home for a weekend.
That's your nature.
The desire to spend some time doing something other than family stuff, or to do something adventurous, may not be your nature. If that tendency is in someone else's nature, that doesn't mean they're running away or have a dysfunctional family. It could just mean that their nature is different from yours. My worry here is that when people have different natures from us, we tell them they are bad moms or bad husbands or bad dads or bad wives or bad sons or bad daughters because they're not doing what we think is 'far better' for them to do.
We may use those labels to suppress their natures. They may even suppress their natures to make you happy.
Oh--I just learned a new word: "Mom shaming": Mom-shaming happens when people criticize a mother for making parenting choices that differ from the choices they have made or would make themselves.